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I REALLY NEED HELP PLEASE AND THANK YOU? - lowhook497 - 04-28-2014 06:33 PM

So I used to be friends with a lot of people on twitter and I would give them my password and they would give me theirs so we all have eachother's accounts on our ipods/iphones. Now, I'm not friends with some of these people and I thought they would have the decency to stay off my account and revoke access or whatver, but sadly, I was mistaken. Just recently, someone got on my account and tweeted something and also dm'd a few people off my account, but it isn't someone I'm friends with so it is obviously someone that is mad at me etc. I know it was a dumb mistake in the first place, but is there any way I can figure out who it was? Can I track their general location because if I just knew a state I would know who it was. If anyone has any idea how to track info from a dm or a tweet, please let me know. There's no way I can figure it out and I'm sure it's someone on their iphone/ipod or whatever and just never logged out of my account and decided it would be funny to get on. I'm begging. Please help me, it would mean a lot to figure out who it is considering they decided to tweet mean things about me on my account.

- Aaron - 04-28-2014 06:35 PM

You can terminate the account if you still know the password. Then u can create a new acount. Dont tell your passwords to anyone on ur new one

- Alex - 04-28-2014 06:45 PM

Unfortunately most social networking sites don't allow you to delete your profile. Try changing your passwords. You might try calling customer service to have them deleted, but otherwise you're just screwed. It is always a bad idea to tell people your passwords.