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why does he still have me on fb after all this? - Printable Version

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why does he still have me on fb after all this? - proudmusic935 - 04-28-2014 06:36 PM

basically i met a guy 2 yrs ago but nothing happened because i still liked someone else. anyway 2 years later (which was 6 months ago now) he added me on facebook and txt me 2 weeks later asking me out but i couldnt then because i wasnt home from uni. anyway he said well let me know when ur back. so 2 months ago we arranged to go out on a date and it was the best one ever. we realy liked each other and he kept doing cute things,asking about my fam and mentioned seeing me again, asked how long i was back for and saying things like he'd explain football rules to me another time (we were at a bar where this was on.) anyway i thanked him for a lovely evening by text and he said he couldnt wait till next one already!... we were in the middle of making plans for a second date a few days later (we were both v busy as final yr uni and huge amount of work etc.) at the same time though him and his ex got deleted and then re frended on fb and then didn’t hear from im at all. His team had a complimentary evening at a club few weeks later and so was her team but I don’t know if he saw me but he didn’t speak to me and just seemed to be texting or playing games on his phone all the night (even though she was there). now i'm thinking maybe she found out about him taking me out and then wanted him back and are together now i think. His status on fb other day was has the best gf ever… so either he wrote it (although he doesn’t even show his relationship status on fb) or maybe she put it… The only thing I don’t understand truly is he still has me on fb though.....why is this? even if that was his status. i mean obviously he didnt initiate hem getting back together as he was in the middle of making plans with me and then this happens

- Cassy - 04-28-2014 06:44 PM

well i think nobody out here can answer this question properly coz we have not met the guy neither do we know how he truly is. anyways the best thing u shud do is go straight to the guy ask him wats wrong with him. why has he not being giving attention to u at all and questions like that. force him to solve ur dilemma..

- ICE - 04-28-2014 06:46 PM

he doesnt bother deleting your fb off his friendlist

answer my question?

- Emma - 04-28-2014 06:55 PM

He just keeps you on fb cuz he's a jerk and dose not care about your feelings if he cared about you he would have let you know whats going on and would have said sorry or something

- JD - 04-28-2014 06:59 PM

that's friendly gal.