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What is SEO? Want to know how can be an expert? - Printable Version

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What is SEO? Want to know how can be an expert? - largeMagician649 - 04-28-2014 06:40 PM

I heard about a lot of things about SEO from the site

But i want to know how i can be an expert in SEO?

- ocealanr - 04-28-2014 06:45 PM

Search engine optimization is one of the methods adopted by webmasters, to increase traffic through search engines. Certain existing strategies, if employed, can assist in making a website rank much higher on the list, provided by the search engines. There are many SEO webmaster tools available for free allowing website owners to take advantage from, generating more traffic. Some of these SEO webmaster tools have been explained below to impart a greater knowledge of how to use them.

- Rockymeet - 04-28-2014 06:45 PM

what is SEO ?

Search engine optimization

Search engine is a kind of software being developed to provide a helping hand to the internet users which would be of great benefit by searching and listing the relevant.
search engine optimization means analysis of your site and making required improvements so that it becomes possible for search engines to index and rank it.

If you want to become SEO expert Too hard need much Experiences

Learn SEO with Google webmaster ,seo chat many other big site
Check new Method Smile own concept to improve Top ranking

Thank you

- Des Tucker - 04-28-2014 06:50 PM

If you want to teach yourself SEO, I would recommend you learn from the leaders in the industry. Try this website which offers a 100% free SEO University and a certificate when you pass the exam. I love Hubspot and this is just another example of why they are at the top of our industry.

Stick with it and you'll do great. Good luck! 8)

- J-Dog - 04-28-2014 06:59 PM

Nowadays SEO is all about backlink building. Check out Ana's Traffic Generation Cafe ( for some great info on backlink building and general SEO.

personally, I recommend Social Monkee. It's free, and gives you quality 25 backlinks every day.

Here is the sign up link.