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need help with website development? - Printable Version

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need help with website development? - _Jason20 - 04-28-2014 06:40 PM

I have a idea for a website?
I have a idea for a website, but I lack any knowledge and skill in htm/graphics design but do have the creativity and able to visualize it in my brain but I want to put it into a actual application.

I think the best route for me to hire someone but do I have to outsource to another to even afford it? and if I do what steps do I need to have done before submitting my project idea? Will I need to had a NDA agreement done? and will it be respected? I registered my domain name and I was surprised and shock it was not taken.. but it seem someone had it registered back in 2008 but forgot about.. I see they had some basics concept of what I wanted to do.... I really want to follow through and just try it.. i dont want to be that guy that never tried... I have ... the funds I have to spend is only 2,000.00...but how many good starts had alot to start out with ?

- RIFFAZ - 04-28-2014 06:48 PM

Hi Jason..

Actually I don't understand your whole idea.

but if you are looking for someone to create a website from a scratch u've drawn , I can help u.

I am a website developer working in an outsourcing company.
I can help you in any kind of website.

you can take a look on some of websites designed and developed by my company.

for UK clients :

for a Netherland client



and lots of designs out there. I can show those upon ur request.
you can write me personally to help your website if you satisfy with the designs I provide above.

no need to worry about money. that will be reasonable.
hope, let's meet up via e-mail.

- SHAHBAZ - 04-28-2014 06:52 PM

I can make a website for you and solve any web troubleshooting in low cost.
Just email me at
you can also visit my blog for free web tips