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How do you advertise a newspaper? - Printable Version

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How do you advertise a newspaper? - Manuel - 04-28-2014 06:41 PM

So I have this newspaper and I want to get it out there, I need photographers, editors reporters, and most of all readers!!! How do I advertise my paper?

Thanks in advance

- Peter - 04-28-2014 06:48 PM

Newspaper industry is sinking honestly.

Producing daily newspapers is doomed - people love radio/television and internet. They don't wish to buy newspaper that tell 'em stories from yesterday.
Weekly, bi-weekly and monthly papers are in much better position only if they are niche players and provide unique content (just as National Geographic) or provide in-depth analysis (like Jane's Defense).

People these days are internet connected and you should think serious about your internet presence. Also you should think about mobile devices - probably specific applications for iPhone/iPad and Android.

From 2009 mine company MobilioDevelopment help newspapers in this way and results are good. Of course industry is fear that digitalization will mean cannibalization of sales and sometimes this fair is true. But only when marketing is poor! With proper marketing this will open new channels to get consumers.

Of course i don't tell you that newspapers will be erased from face of the earth. Just similar happen few times - first wave was radio, second wave was TV and now is third wave - internet. Papers still exist and will exist. From about 15 years i don't purchase daily newspapers because i get fast same information from the internet. But i still purchase weekly or monthly papers.