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Why can't someone make something better than craigslist? - Printable Version

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Why can't someone make something better than craigslist? - genius - 04-28-2014 06:43 PM

Craigslist has so many scammers on it that you have to be warned before you even look at things for sale, each and every time you go on the site so that you don't forget. Then I can't find the city I live in because it isn't on craigslist, and there is 4 different locations "nearby" that people post things on craigslist for my city, so that makes 4 different sites I must go to each one individually just to look for something and most of them will be over 75 miles away. Then there is their "discussion forums" which remind me of the message boards we used to use in the 1990's where people are arguing about all types of things. Then there is so many spammers and identity thieves posting web sites and saying they are hiring so that they can steal your personal information. Anyone who has sold something on there knows how many scam emails you will get. Then you can't even post an email address or a web site without it getting edited so that you must use a newly developed "craiglist language" or you must spell out @ as at and periods as dots. You can't even say certain words or the whole word will be removed and it will make your post look unintelligent, after they don't tell you which words aren't acceptable, and I am not talking about vulgar language or curse words.

Why can't they just let you search within a zip code and why can't any internet developers make a better site than this that is free?
I never used vulgar language but craig edits your post just for putting certain non-vulgar words that they don't approve of such as "facebook", email addresses, and websites.

- Julian - 04-28-2014 06:45 PM

WTF is angies list then?

- anonymous - 04-28-2014 06:45 PM

There probably are.There are tons of internet sites and I am sure there are plenty of craigslist copycats.For all I know craigslist was a copycat of another website like facebook was of myspace and myspace was probably of some other site.I wont mention yahoo because I might get my acount deleted.

- falsi fiable - 04-28-2014 06:47 PM

Some genius.

Craigslist works quite well. People respond to your post by clicking the reply link. What's so difficult with that?

Why is it so hard to avoid using certain dirty words?

- Marina - 04-28-2014 06:51 PM

God, this is the first tome I hear about Craiglist. I am un Australia so I use Gumtree

- king - 04-28-2014 06:57 PM

Craigslist best for USA

coz many people us people beleave on craigslist. it's spam free site
