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Even More On Kharma's Rumored WWE Release, Lilian? - Isam - 10-01-2012 03:36 AM

-- WWE Diva ring announcer Lilian Garcia is currently taking pre-orders for her new CD at The CD features six songs and comes autographed.

-- According to one source, WWE had planned to finalize Kharma's termination on Friday. However, the source feels the organization may switch their course of mind for the time being due to the news prematurely surfacing online—similarly to the organization briefly reinstating Florida Championship Wrestling tapings in March to save face after news leaked prematurely that they were ceasing and because they weren't ready to announce the changes to NXT.

"I don't want to say anything, because it's WWE and they change their minds if stuff gets out," the source said. "But she was to be released tomorrow, and they're pissed somebody screwed up and it got out a day early."

Kharma is currently listed as a member of the active roster on, but as a former Superstar on the organization's Twitter account.

WWE may make the announcement tomorrow or may hold off due to the news leaking out earlier than planned. reporter Ryan Satin is telling me that Kharma has in fact been released by WWE.

Satin also tweeted the following earlier this evening: "A source close to Kharma tells me the rumors are true and she was indeed released from WWE today. Dumbest WWE release in SOOO LONG!!!"

I've been talking with Ryan this evening and he is sticking by his story. He's always been a credible and trustworthy source from my dealings with him so take this for what it's worth.

Kharma addressed rumors of her possible WWE release via Twitter earlier today, tweeting the following: "Getting a flood of dm's. I guess the cat's out of the bag. Yes. I have been officially promoted to the alumni section of the WWE roster."

As of this writing, Kharma's profile is still listed in the RAW section on

Kharma, whose real name is Kia Michelle Stevens, signed a contract with WWE in December of 2010 and made her debut on May 1, 2011 at the Extreme Rules pay-per-view as she decimated Michelle McCool. Weeks later, Kharma spoke for the first time on television to reveal she was pregnant and thus forced to take a leave of absence from the organization. Stevens made a surprise return in January as the twenty-first entrant in the Royal Rumble Match and subsequently announced to that she had given birth to a baby boy named Jamie on December 31, 2011. She then admitted in March that the child died before she could give birth and had lied due to her emotional state at the time.

- Rachel - 10-01-2012 03:44 AM

Although I haven't heard anything official about this, I expect Kharma along with several other Superstars to be "future endeavored" perhaps as soon as tomorrow.

Kharma is regarded as one of the best female wrestlers during her tenure in TNA and in Shimmer. However in the WWE management's eyes, Kharma didn't fit the mold that went with being a WWE Diva. It's always looks first, talent second. This is why Beth Phoenix, Natalya, and Tamina Snuka are still in the WWE at the moment is because not only are they talented, but also beautiful.

- Mark - 10-01-2012 03:44 AM

If it's true that she's getting cut, that's a huge waste of money. She got signed in December of 2010. So they've paid her for the past 19 months, but she's only appeared in one match for maybe two minutes.

- Jεяisн™ - 10-01-2012 03:44 AM

For some reason I think that Kharma's "release" could possibly be a lie, and WWE is purposely telling everyone about a supposed release, then at Raw's 1000th Anniversary, make a surprise return. I mean, they can't just release her like that when they had great expectations from her. Therefore, I stick to my thought and I hope it is all a lie and she does return.