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He's sending me mixed signals? - Printable Version

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He's sending me mixed signals? - polka-dot-hater64 - 04-28-2014 06:50 PM

About a month ago, I met this guy when I was hanging out with my friends one time. He told my best friend that he really liked me but he was nervous. The next time we hung out, my best friend told me to give him a kiss. I was leaning forward to give him a kiss on the cheek but the last second he turned his head so I would kiss him on the lips. (Typical guy move) I stopped just in time but I eventually kissed him on the lips because I was kinda starting to like him. My best friend gave him my number but he never texted.

The other day my other friend asked him if he remembered me and wanted to know if he wanted to go to prom with me. He said yes, of course, yes, duh, yes, yes! She said he was really excited. Again, she gave him my number and he still hasn't texted. I decided to friend him on Facebook. He accepted my request 20 minutes later. Today, I asked my friend why he was not texting and she said that he might've gotten his phone taken up because he never texted her back. I'm so confused. If he likes me and said he'd go to prom with me, why wouldn't he text me? Couldn't he just message me on FB? He's always online. P.S. I'm a senior and he's a sophomore and he has been hurt by many girls. Is he just shy? Please help.

- Robert G - 04-28-2014 06:59 PM

He doesn't have a texting plan.

- Crystal R - 04-28-2014 06:59 PM

Let's be honest. Do you really want him to ask you to prom via facebook?! Seriously?
I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say that maybe he's planning to ask you in a more creative way. Trust me, when people ask how he asked you to prom, you don't want to respond with "he facebook messaged me."
If he's shy, don't rush him. No one likes to be rushed into anything. If nothing happens, then try to move on. I know you want a date to prom, but it's never good to be desperate. (not saying you're desperate, just putting it out there). But good luck! If he really likes you, he'll put forth the effort!