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Jealous/envious of girlfriend studying abroad? - Printable Version

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Jealous/envious of girlfriend studying abroad? - FSBB - 04-28-2014 06:55 PM

About a month before she left, I got into a relationship with a girl who is studying abroad. She left like 3 weeks ago and is there for about two more months.

Long story short, I am jealous. What she is doing is AMAZING. She is doing more than once-in-a-lifetime stuff. I've always dreamed of traveling, of going on an airplane, of leaving the country, and doing the activities she is doing. Haven't been on a vacation in years. Have stayed in the same place my whole life due to finances, health, and family issues (I'm only 20 and still got time but still I have school to pay for).

While I am SUPER happy she is having fun, it's tough for me to see her post and talk on Facebook about the amazing things she is doing. I can't even compare. As soon as school ends, I gotta work full time. I suppose it hurts because she is literally living my dream and doing things I've always wanted to do for my whole life in a matter of a couple months and it's right in front of my eyes, but I have never gotten the opportunity and maybe never will.

I know it's childish but how do I get out of this mindset? It's tough when every weekend you see pics of her skydiving and stuff like that.

- Ann - 04-28-2014 06:56 PM

Give her the freedom to spread her wings. Id you act jealous or something it will rain on her parade and you will split up... Good luck to you.