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Dating a restaurant receptionist? - Printable Version

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Dating a restaurant receptionist? - greatdrug012 - 04-28-2014 06:56 PM

Hi Girls,

I really need women's opinion on my question. I have a FB friend and I am attracted to her. I just don't know what branch/location her restaurant is at. I know the name of the place but it has around 16 branches.

Is it ok to ask her via FB private message if where exactly she is working at?
Is it weird to ask her?
Is it creepy to ask her?
Is it needy to ask her?

I am a normal size man, average height, average weight but with good looks.

Please help.


- Steve88 - 04-28-2014 07:04 PM

It is quite creepy yeah if you want me to be honest, If someone told me they had been studying me on facebook and then tried to track me down to ask me out, I'm sorry, don't mean to sound horrible, but it would probably be an instant rejection.

- Analisa - 04-28-2014 07:13 PM

Instead of asking where she works, why don't you suggest to her about getting together for a coffee. She may feel creeped out if you pry into her personal life at this point. You'll know if she's interested with the coffee idea.

- Nicole Bryant - 04-28-2014 07:19 PM

That is creepy do u even know. Her name besides the fact it's on fb