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Help!! should I have said this? - Printable Version

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Help!! should I have said this? - immenseholiday187 - 04-28-2014 06:58 PM

Okay so the other night I started getting messges from this guy a few years older than me, not a lot though. He kept putting love hearts at the end of the messages which I thought was a bit weird since it said on his twitter he had a girlfriend, anyway he asked who I hung about with in school and I mentioned my two friends. He said he knew them and then did a :/ face. The next day I told one of my friends about him messaging me and turns out my friend used to go out with him. She said that he's a total stalker and he's desperate as well. His profile is all him just talking to girls as well. Then he messaged me again, I ignored him and then I find out that he's blocked me on twitter? I then tweeted saying that he seemed like a bit of a dxckhead (I never mentioned his name in the tweet) then my other friend, asked me to dm her telling her what it was about. I said to her that I was blocked byhim and called him a radge in a jokey way. The guy also knows my friend that I messaged too. Now my friwnd hasn't messaged me back but is still tweeting and I feel like I maybe took it too far? Like I was only kidding but I feel bad idk why. Help! Was I wrong?

- jamie - 04-28-2014 07:08 PM

Nah you're not wrong. Radge isn't exactly the worse word, and she's obviously trying to get to you if she's still tweeting.

- Ellie - 04-28-2014 07:15 PM

Sounds like you're 15 and have hormonal imbalances at the moment. Calm down. You tweeted that, and probably shouldn't have. He sounds a bit creepy to be wanting to date younger girls. (Dating an older guy is cooler to you, but from his perspective, he can't get anyone his own age), He sounds like a player to have a girlfriend marked on one account, but rereading your message, you never mention if he ever tried to make a move on you or date you, so it was pretty dumb of you to say that about him. Nice move, genius.