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Why is it so addicting? - Printable Version

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Why is it so addicting? - Mastershop549 - 04-28-2014 07:01 PM

Why is it so addicting to check my Ex's facebook and instagram? I was doing it for months straight, just getting obsessive. I would check it multiple times a day or even an hour even though nothing would change.
I havent checked it in 4 days and honestly I've noticed that my mood is much better, but something urges me inside to just check and see what shes been up to and her new bf.
It literally feels like I am addicted to a drug at times and having withdrawals. I haven't checked it and do not plan on checking it because I think this will be better for me in the long run.

- Stephen - 04-28-2014 07:01 PM

Hello. I totally understand you. Had this happen to me. Don't worry, the urge will decrease over time. Possibly have some feelings for her still. It's always nice to see what an ex is up to after you break up. Kind of spying in a way. It's easy to easy to do with social media. Try blocking her on Facebook and Instagram. I did that. Worked way better for me personally. Out of sight, out of mind right?