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My fiance keep a picture of his ex in his wallet? - Printable Version

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My fiance keep a picture of his ex in his wallet? - mammothplantation890 - 04-28-2014 07:02 PM

My fiance keeps a picture from a high school dance in his wallet. It's of him kissing his ex of 9 years who ended up cheating on him and they're with his best friend who died when they were 18 (would have been 32 now). I haven't really been bothered by it until now.
1) He has other pics of his deceased friend that he could get reprinted into wallet size.
2) He doesn't keep a photo of us or me in his wallet. It's super trivial, but he's also never included me in any of his Facebook profile pictures.
3) His ex shares a lot of the same friends as us, and I'm tired of her constantly being thrown in my face.

We have a really good relationship and I know he loves me, but am I being crazy? The fact that he's kissing her in it is what I really can't get over. One time when he thought he lost his wallet, the only thing he cared about was losing the picture.

- i care about u<3 - 04-28-2014 07:04 PM

i think u should tell him. Honestly, if my fiance did that i would be hurt and jealous. How would he like it if u had a pic of ur ex on ur wallet. Im sure he does love u but thats just not fair to you. u should know. Good luck Smile

- bucktickle - 04-28-2014 07:10 PM

You're not crazy, that's completely reasonable. He obviously keeps it for her, not just for his deceased friend. You should talk to him and tell him how it makes you feel. Try not to sound angry, and try and formulate what you're going to say beforehand because if you get a little angry he'll probably try and make out like *you're* the one being unreasonable, and you're not.
It's throwing all that stuff in your face and makes it seem like a part of him isn't over it. Seriously, nobody keeps pictures of old girlfriends... you get rid of them as part of moving on. Fair enough, keep it because of the other friend, but not in his wallet.
You're right to be annoyed by this.

- always learning - 04-28-2014 07:13 PM

It was high school. It happened back then. Stop living in the past...DONT look in his wallet, and go forward with your life. Shish.

- BILL - 04-28-2014 07:15 PM

well years ago A woman I dated had her X pics. on the walls in her Apt. I had ask her to take them down she never did and she would talk of him so I told her shes not over him so I am moveing on and I am glad I did so I would sit him down and tell what your telling us and if he don't do anything about it tell him its over you can do better. Good luck

- Annie - 04-28-2014 07:17 PM

that is just fucked

- Sandy K - 04-28-2014 07:19 PM

That would really piss me off, I wouldn't stand for it.

- she - 04-28-2014 07:27 PM

He may still be in love with her and kinda stuck in the past, she must be unavailable right now though. It look like he would care more about his current relationship and your feelings. Let him know now, that it bothers you. You mentioned he have no profile pictures of you on Facebook either. It could be that he does want her to think, he is to serious about you, in case she wants to come back. Seems like you would have called him on being upset ,because he thought he lost the picture of them two, you have been patient with, stop letting it bother you and speak up before he carry this picture into your marriage.

- Schuyler - 04-28-2014 07:34 PM

Well, obviously your relationship isn't that great if he is hanging on to his ex to this extent. Call off the wedding and engagement for now, give him a few more years to get over his ex or you'll be miserable because he can't let go of her.

- CRAZY - 04-28-2014 07:35 PM

buy him a new wallet. tell him the old one is your past, this is for now. You can still keep your old one in a drawer or some other place, but you are to use and carry the new one with an updated life. You can start with a photo of you two, or one by yourself. and the same for his facebook. Time for him to move on with you!