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What Am I Supposed To Do? - thunderingboot358 - 04-28-2014 07:03 PM

So I made this status on fb that said rates and my friends crush liked it and I rated him as "broke my scale" and well my friend saw it and she messaged someone saying that she was pissed and they told me not to tell her that they told me she said that. So I can't talk to her about it. And now I don't know what to do because I really don't want her to be mad at me Sad

- B K - 04-28-2014 07:09 PM

Tell her that you know she likes him and that you hope she gets him. Whats wrong with thinking your friends bf or guy he likes is hot. Would they rather have you think hes hideous lol.

- TeenGirlAnswers - 04-28-2014 07:15 PM

Sounds like you might be into him, if not your friend isn't that great .. Yeah broke my scale kinda says you think he is attractive, actually it does. If you like him, and she likes him, Oh well. If someones going to stop beings friends with you because you both think the same guy is cute then you need to get better friends. Yeah if he was her boyfriend then that would've been rude.. But he's just a crush and he may not even like her back..

- ??? - 04-28-2014 07:22 PM

Well based on what you're saying I'm assuming your friend's crush is pretty good-looking then?
Honestly if she's pissed that you gave her crush a compliment then she's not really worth being friends with.
Sometimes, just because your friend has a crush on somebody it doesn't mean that you have to go out of your way to make her happy.
If I were you I'd just let things to die down and eventually she'd let it go.

Maybe she's pissed right now but well the rage eventually dies down anyway since this isn't even that big of a deal to begin with.
If you don't want her to be mad at you then just ask her if she thinks it's alright that you posted that on her crush's timeline! (without telling her that you knew she was pissed)
She can't be that pissed at you for asking her (even though you did post it already, but well there's nothing else you can do now)
It's alright really things like this happen all the time and sometimes friends get bitter and jealous at the slightest things when it comes down to crushes and competitions.
Just know that she'd forget about it eventually and would stop being pissed.
Hope I helped!