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I hate getting stereotyped as a "dog" and "cat" killer, just because I was born Asian? - Printable Version

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I hate getting stereotyped as a "dog" and "cat" killer, just because I was born Asian? - relievedbattle769 - 04-28-2014 07:03 PM

So hi, I went on Facebook, and this guy posted a video of this dog getting killed by Chinese people, I knew it was Chinese people due to the Chinese signs, I'm not Chinese myself, I'm Vietnamese. All my life, all I could hear was "Asian people kill dogs and cats so they can eat them", on Facebook, one of the guys commented saying "fucking chinks". I'm really getting tired of this, I hate when they do this, I know every country has it stereotypes but it does get annoying. And I wasn't even born in Vietnam, I was born in Canada, so I'm not an immigrant. And a lot of people make cat and dog jokes about Asians all the time. Why is this?

- ✯ - 04-28-2014 07:08 PM

First of all there are 48 different Asian ethnicities. Are you saying Pakisatanis are cat eaters because theyre asian too?

- wheel285 - 04-28-2014 07:14 PM

just say firmly ' I'm not chinese moron. you know like how germans and italians aren't the same but share a border in europe'

- Charles - 04-28-2014 07:22 PM

just ignore him and all of their rants and disrespect
we all are part of god s creation and the family of god
there are many other asian groups from asia or euroasia or pacific asia

- John R - 04-28-2014 07:31 PM

I think most people like playing around with that stereotype. But when they get the chance, they will still eat Kung Pau Chicken made from cat.

- widescent408 - 04-28-2014 07:36 PM

Either ignore them or retaliate.

Unfortunately, the western media have a bad image when it comes to Asians, people are so easily brainwashed, even western East Asians themselves, if an East Asian abuse animals, then people would certainly talk about it but if its say a white person, no one talks, they look at it as an individual thing rather than a race thing like how they view East Asians as abusive and animal killers.

- ? - 04-28-2014 07:40 PM

Most chinese people do not eat dogs. Only very little in the poor asian villages do. I'm pretty sure jaanese and korean people never eat dogs at all. Also, theres nothing wrong with eating dogs. Americans are the biggest pig consumers in the world. thats part of the reason why we're all so fat here. Consuming pigs are not any different from consuming dogs. Having more sympathy for the dog than the pig is not logical. Pigs are smart and cute too.
They make jokes about asians because they are unfamiliar with your culture and they are racist.

- Black - 04-28-2014 07:48 PM

Ahh boo hoo! Asians have the least oppressing stereotypes out of all of the groups. At least you're not a chicken eating, no swimming, welfare receiving (That one is ironic), criminal, that doesn't take care of it's children. Stereotypes are what lame racist people use, because they're not funny or original enough to win an argument against another race. So man up corporal, I have some Soul Eater to watch.