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Google is stalking me? SERIOUS QUESTION? - Printable Version

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Google is stalking me? SERIOUS QUESTION? - greatLover642 - 04-28-2014 07:04 PM


Let me begin with a story first so you get what I mean, I made my first google/gmail account some years ago and 2/3 years ago I moved to UK, now I got married and I live with my wife and 2 children, since then I've changed my last name to my wife's, I already got a new computer, new gmail account registered on my new email and basically everything is different in my computer than I used back in my country, so I make my gmail account (My new last name, information and stuff) and when I go in, BAM it's in my language it's like google knows who I am and what country I'm from even though I've selected UK and English, it's strange, is google stalking me!? And how?? Has this happened to anyone else?? Please tell me what this is?!?!?!?

- Paultech - 04-28-2014 07:09 PM

when you goto a webpage it can pickup some details from your machine, eg version of windows, if your using google chrome etc etc.. and could locate your Ip address to city/country.. and based on cookies what sites that you where at and changed the language to match.

So i think your just being a bit paranoid

- Matt - 04-28-2014 07:10 PM

No google is not stalking you, if you were in the us before you moved to the uk, most UK websites are default english

- Sni9er - 04-28-2014 07:18 PM

google can detect your physical location via IP they use this to serve you local content/language settings regardless of your preferences

for the most part its a pain in the ass

but no they are not spying on you !

- shonzzzz - 04-28-2014 07:24 PM

yaaaa paultech is right

- Jishnu - 04-28-2014 07:28 PM

Most Linux distros do not use google because they will not provide privacy to the user. They even store what you search since you made the account, who knows what else they store in their servers.

If you have accessed any linked accounts from your new pc then they probably followed the cookie crumbs.

- ? - 04-28-2014 07:31 PM

i didnt read all of ur comment. but i believe you. google pretty much cyberstalks every internet user.