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Can someone legitamely help with get on top of google with SEO? - Printable Version

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Can someone legitamely help with get on top of google with SEO? - Kody S - 04-28-2014 07:04 PM

70,000 people search a term a month on google--i own the domain. For example (we'll use a secret search term that I'll say throughout this question) if 70,000 ppl search "my name is" on google i own u get that? When I search "my name is" on google I don't come up on any of the 25 pages of google, yet I have the domain. I say that exact term many times all throughout my website, but nothing ever shows up. I've even submitted myself to google! Any seo that would help. Please what can I do?? I really need this! thanks!

- faithsmom - 04-28-2014 07:06 PM

You didn't mention one aspect of your site. How many links do you have pointing to it? Without links, you cannot rank in Google, even if you own the domain that matches the search term.

Go to and type in the following:

And it will return a list of how many people are linking to your site (yes, I know you want to rank in Google, but Yahoo shows a more complete listing of the sites linking to you and if Yahoo knows about the links, then Google does as well, no worries).

The more competitive the search term, the more links you'll need to rank for it. The links will help most if they say the word you want to rank for, but you want to get a variety of links. It will take several months for the links to age and take effect, but that's what you need to do.

For more information on why links matter, try the following articles:

Hope this helps.

- monfiserv - 04-28-2014 07:10 PM

To give you real advice I'd need to know your website. Please contact me if you wish. The above mentioned advice to get some links pointing to your domain is correct, but that's not all. You can achieve decent rankings with a clever on-page optimization too, though without any links it will be hard to rank for other keywords than your domain name.

- imisidro - 04-28-2014 07:14 PM

If you are looking to improve your rankings in Google or reach the top 10 (if not the #1 spot) in Google, I highly recommend downloading Google's Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide which Google released on Nov 12 through their official blog

The guide has all the information you need to do well in Google as they basically lay out:

how to make use of your description metatag
how to improve the structure of your URLs
how to make your site easy to navigate
how to write anchor text
how to use heading tags properly
how to optimize the use of your images
how to make effective use of your robots.txt file
how to promote your website

And of course, creating QUALITY CONTENT for your site

Download Google's Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide (PDF format) .

- luvmebadly - 04-28-2014 07:19 PM

what you are describing is considered keyword spamming

it could be that google has banned you already

google sais: build a site for the people and not for search engines
it seams that your main goal of the site is to get the ranking on google
and not to provide usefull content.