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What happens if I unknowingly bought a stolen cellphone? - Printable Version

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What happens if I unknowingly bought a stolen cellphone? - calmvisitor965 - 04-28-2014 07:04 PM

About three months ago I bought a cellphone off of fb. Fb has these sales that you can buy in the community... Anyway I bought a Samsung from this guy and met him at Walmart. I can't retrieve the information that I bought from this guy cause I'm believing we did the transaction through text message and can't remember the date. Well my boyfriend and I waited to activate it at page plus until his other contract was over. So we go In to activate it. the guy tells us that we can't have the phone back because it was reported stolen they asked me were I got it. I told them etc and I told them I don't know exactly who I bought it from because it was a one time meet. So I immodestly went up to the state police and I told them my situation they said I should not worry about it. So I didn't. Then two days ago tribal police contacted me saying they need to talk to me about a stolen cell phone. And wanted me to write a police report so I did. What do I do? Scared

- yogicskier - 04-28-2014 07:10 PM

1. Buying ANYTHING in a WalMart parking lot (or any similar place) is a bad idea. Don't do that again.

2. It's also a good idea to know who you're buying from. Random/anonymous people selling stuff are not only untrustworthy but might be dangerous. Quite likely he was a junkie looking to finance his next high. People like that have been known to pull a knife on you to get what they want--I'm not saying that this guy would have done that, but there's no way to tell.

3. There are lots of sites at the Google search below that can help you avoid buying stolen cell phones.

4. I doubt that the police will do anything to you. It seems pretty clear that you got snookered. Your best bet is to cooperate with the investigation. Give the cops all the information you can dig up: what the guy looked like, what kind of car he drove, any messages online that you can recover (maybe your old cell phone provider can help: give them the approximate date of the transaction and tell them what happened).