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How to stop Google Chrome's suggestions? - Printable Version

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How to stop Google Chrome's suggestions? - Dynamicspoon678 - 04-28-2014 07:05 PM

I tried searching online and found the technique not to work. (Shift + Delete)

I have some searches I'd rather not have floating around Lol Already deleted the history, cache, etc

But that stupid box.... Do I just have to uninstall Google Chrome?
"next to it, in blue, will be "remove" click that and see if that does it."

? There is no "remove" - Just a magnifying glass to the left
Yes I am

I am trying to get rid of searches that aren't directly links. Example: "pink shoes" if I start typing in "pink"
Oh boy Lol I think i'll uninstall it hahah

Thank you for your time and patience Smile

- Big Bang Theory - 04-28-2014 07:06 PM

First off, Chrome Incognito. Second if you go to then start typing what you want to remove it will suggest it and then next to the drop down listing of suggestions will be what you want to remove next to it, in blue, will be "remove" click that and see if that does it.

Sorry, I just realized what your trying to do here. Unfortunately there is no way to erase it, to my knowledge.