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Why do girls hate me in my highschool? - Printable Version

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Why do girls hate me in my highschool? - yuyuy - 04-28-2014 07:06 PM

Here is my story. I'm really confused on why people hate me soo much. I am a nice person! I noticed that girls really dislike me for no reason. When I tell people they always say it's because their jealous because I'm pretty or I can sing better. but the people who hate me aren't ugly so I don't see why they would be jealous of me and I don't even think I'm all that. Also these people don't even know my personality. My dad tells me it's because I may come off as stuck up & also my friends told me they thought that before getting to know me. I am a really sensitive person & I don't want people to hate me. I just want to move peacefully through my high school years with no problems but people are making it very difficult for me. I try to block out the negativity but it gets to me. I find people talking about me on social media subliminally.. But I don't know. I really don't bother anyone I just come to school get an education and leave. Also the girls I hang out with talk a lot of mess about people.. Idk if that's the reason though.. Because they don't hate them they hate me!! It's really making me miserable!! Help

- cuddlz24 - 04-28-2014 07:16 PM

That's a tough thing to be going through. I have to say, the thing that helped me get through my high school years was basically not hanging around anybody. I got to school on time for class, during lunch I went to the library to study or read, and after school I was involved in school sports or I left and either went to work my first job, or play a sport that had nothing to do with school. I pretty much "kept my head down" and so a lot of what was said about me, or was thought about me went over my head. The biggest proof of this was, at the end of my Jr. high years, I won most outstanding female athlete to everyone's surprise (but mine, mwahhaha). No one even "knew" who I was. Anyway, what's worse, being tormented by your peers of focusing on yourself, your schoolwork and your future success? Most of them will probably end up working for you anyway! Lol!

My favourite verse from the Bible is John 14:27 -
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

My peace, my hope, my self-esteem...the world has little to nothing to offer me in those regards (you are already experiencing some of this). My peace that I have in Christ though, can never be taken away. Doesn't matter one whit what happens to me on earth, because I have a place as a child of God with Him for eternity.
Please consider where your hope and peace...or lack thereof come from.

- Shana - 04-28-2014 07:21 PM

Face it! Not everyone is going to like you