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google chrome doesnt work...? - Printable Version

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google chrome doesnt work...? - los3rkid41 - 04-28-2014 07:09 PM

ok so one day google chrome works fine.. then today i turn my computer on to find out that google chrome doesnt want to work anymore.. what the hell?
there is nothing more to say... i try to get on it and it says...

This webpage is not available.

The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
ok so i unistalled it then re-installed it.. still get nothing...

Below is the original error message

Error 7 (net::ERR_TIMED_OUT): The operation timed out.

- Nacho Libre - 04-28-2014 07:13 PM

Explain WHY it doesn't work so we can help you fix the problem?

- Jim - 04-28-2014 07:18 PM

i have been using google chrome for a year with no problems
can you provide more info on problem

- wittystation789 - 04-28-2014 07:23 PM

I have had some trouble with the google chrome too. Not quite as critical. I just reinstalled and it was all good again. So open internet explorer and go to google download again and click repair.

- MR. LONELY - 04-28-2014 07:28 PM

Try to open the Option of google chrome and!!!
find the cookie part and click allow all of cookies