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How to get a guy to leave you alone? - Printable Version

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How to get a guy to leave you alone? - teeny-tinycrowd980 - 04-28-2014 07:11 PM

I am 16 and this lad is 17. I started talking to him about a month ago. He has problems at his home and so him and his dad are always fighting, so when he got kicked out and asked to come round for a few hours while it cooled down at his I said yes. However, since then he has slept round at mine (uninvited!!) several times, in half term he stayed for 5 days before reading my messages :/ where I basically said he was being awkward by not getting the hints and leaving. So after he stormed out I didn't speak to him for 2 days before having his friend knock on my door with him, only to find out that he had cut his wrists, drank bleach, got smashed and tried to overdose. Of which he blamed on me. He has told me that he loves me and I have told him I will not go out with him. However, I think he is now stalking/harassing me, as he has been turning up (apparently as a complete accident) wherever I am at the time, even when I have not told him where I will be, including late at night. Today he decided again that he was coming to my house (he never gives me a say in it, just tells me he is coming round). He has been here for over 5 hours now, and i'm afraid he will sleep the night again and then not leave! How do I get him to stop liking me as he doesn't seem to be getting any hints and I am running out of excuses to force him not to come round! I need a way that will not upset him though as I do not want him to self harm again.
Any help is VERY appreciated, me and my mum are out of options!!

- hell - 04-28-2014 07:15 PM

You're mean, you're really mean... He needs help
Why can't you try to help him?
get him a therapist, a family therapist actually that will sort out these issues he's got with his father
Support him, tell him that he should get a job so he can save up money to move out as soon as he turns 18
Be there for him.
what if you just throw him out and he commits suicide? Why can't you think about HIM? how HE would feel? WHAT will happened to him? This world is insane.
I don't even know why he likes you when you don't give a damn about him

- dman63 - 04-28-2014 07:20 PM

The fact that he self-harms is NOT YOUR FAULT. If he can't take a hint and leave you alone, again it's NOT YOUR FAULT. He needs to solve his problems at home, and you need to tell him that you want no part of his personal drama, and he is to stay away from your house. Tell the police that he's harassing you and call them next time he comes around. He needs to get the message that harassing others isn't the way to solve his problems.

- Dian - 04-28-2014 07:30 PM

Tell him it's time for him to go and if he isn't gone in a FEW minutes, with appropriate good byes, call the POLICE !!!! Don't let h back n your home. Don't talk, phone, FB, Social Media, text or connect with him in any way again !!!!! His mental health issues are not your fault nor can U fix them !!!! If U don't stop this now, he will harass and stalk U for the next 10 years and could Kill U &/or your Mum !!!!! Now get some backbone and stop this !!!! Unless U like being the victim of a Bully !!!!!

- David - 04-28-2014 07:34 PM

invite the police over to have a chat with him
let them tell him that he could be arrested for stalking
they should tell him that he should never come to your house again
he must get medical help as his actions are that of a person about to commit suicide
you have to be very careful because he can harm you if he sees that he will never have you as a partner
the police should take him to a doctor immediately so that they can decide if it is safe to let him mix in public with normal people
in future, avoid helping people especially if he is a guy
you do not seem strong enough to get people off your back
discuss with uncles to come and stay with you temporarily for protection until for some months until you are sure that the guy will never come to your house again

- Patricia - 04-28-2014 07:42 PM

If a member of his family don't claim him then you have to ring the police. He's very troubled and the police will help him.