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Non muslim boy im really Broke? - roundhat399 - 04-28-2014 07:14 PM

I'm in love with a non muslim guy.. I know I'll never be with him but it's killing me -.-
I want to spend all my time with him talking about life yeahh ..ALL of my time
I want to chill with him everyday...not because of his physical features but because he's the only one who understands me and that's what attracts me ._.
I get butterflies when I think about him..I can control these feelings coz I haven't told him that I'm in love with him..He still thinks I'm just a friend and he thinks I see him that way..
I'm obsessed with this guy, I STALK HIM on social media & even made a fake fb profile =.=

How can I stop my obsession?? I tried evrything!! ;[

- Come With Me Now - 04-28-2014 07:15 PM

OK it's not healthy that you're stalking him. Have the courage to tell him how you feel, but DON'T admit that you've been stalking him - that's very creepy. (I thought guys only did that with their exes)

Maybe he could convert to Islam and you can marry him? The idea is not too far fetched.

- Chaudry - 04-28-2014 07:19 PM

You'll get over it in time

- Celestine - 04-28-2014 07:26 PM

Im a Christian woman married to a muslim man and there has been absolutely no problems neither from my family or his, I know as a woman in your community mixed religious marriage is not permitted, but if you really feel this strongly about him what do you really think the problem would be, do you truly believe that you finding your true soulmate would be against God or is it something which men have put in place to keep "their women just for them" even though a man is permitted to marry a jew or a Christian woman.
Speak to the boy and tell him how your feeling, he may not feel the same way, you seem young so this may just be a teenage crush and not love but if these feelings continue and he had them too and treats you with the level of respect you deserve then you may need to introduce him to your family to see how they take it

- shorttoe283 - 04-28-2014 07:30 PM

Stop thinking about these fantasy world, get on with the reality.

have you tried :
1 - Staying away from the internet for a month, only using for neccessity such as school work, uni work etc
2 - Staying away from social apps on the mobile by deleting them, and not using them without any need
3 - Staying in wudhu and making your mind engrossed in doing something. Not giving them to think about useless stuff
4 - Doing dhikr when you do not have anything to do
5 - And sleep directly when you are tired

Simple. Try those stuff, guranteed to work.

- Eclectic - 04-28-2014 07:35 PM

just talk to him about this. I am non Muslim (an atheist) & I think it is very illogical to not make relationship with a person just because he/she follow different religion. even if there is a god then he created everyone you, me and that guy.

- THINGAMABOB - 04-28-2014 07:37 PM

Just shag him then

- Belovedtrip386 - 04-28-2014 07:41 PM

Firstly, stop the stalking.. you will become more attached and if it doesn't work out you will feel completely broken. You still have hope so if I were you handle this like a lady and come straight out with it and tell him exactly how you feel. (Don't do any creepy shiz cos he'll think you're weird and creepy) lol
I'm sure he'll have some sort Of feelings for you too if you talk all the time.
who knows maybe he'll convert and you can start things from there? Just don't do anything haram lol and good luck Smile

- Nicolas - 04-28-2014 07:43 PM

Where there is a will, there is a way.

- Khalid Al Kabir - 04-28-2014 07:48 PM

love is haram