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My ExBoyfriend's Girlfriend Is Cyber Stalking Me- We Broke Up 2 Years Ago? - fatsquirrel797 - 04-28-2014 07:14 PM

In short. I was in a long term relationship. Things were going well so I thought and made plans to move in with my boyfriend of many years. Only to find out he was in another relationship for 6 months while with me. I confronted them both then washed my hands.

My question is. 2 years later, he's still with this woman but she's sending me messages on Facebook (which I blocked her from and made my profile private) then started to "Like" my Instagram photos. I'm 35 now. My ex is 42. His girlfriend is 52.

I haven't responded to her contacting me on Instagram. I have ignored her full stop.

No, I'm no longer bitter, hurt and angry. But I have healed and moved on and am very happy.

Just curious why she's looking for me online and contacting me?? I find it all too creepy especially having it be 2 years after that whole fiasco.

Any ideas?

As for my instagram, I'm keeping public as I don't want to respond to anything she does, but keep living my own life.. moving forward, not looking back at my past.

Thank you!
The last time I had spoken about my ex was 4 months ago. A lot has changed since and have moved on and am very happy and -very- content with my life.

4 months may not sound like a long time. But who does really know when the light goes off where you know your self worth?

As for my ex blocking me. He did this when I confronted him on cheating and was being a coward. I moved a long distance to be with him and being in a long term relationship. I wanted answers. Over him

I completely understand what it is to be in a committed relationship and what it is to be in a mature relationship.. I simply said that if ALL relationships need communication from both parties in order to work. And yes, sometimes they don't. To ask people why you "Can't KISS someone" Well maybe you shouldn't be with them or maybe you need professional mental help if you're not able to kiss someone, but is OK with keeping it casual.

- Jason A - 04-28-2014 07:15 PM

Just keep doing what you're doing! She's insecure, crazy, or something else, but it's not for you to waste your energy on. Onward and upward!

- Mathew - 04-28-2014 07:24 PM

file a complaint

- Human - 04-28-2014 07:28 PM

Wow you seriously have to ask this question? Out of curiosity I looked at your profile page. Interesting how you claim to be over this man you were with and very happy but most of the questions here on YA all revolve around him, how he was dating someone behind your back, how he blocked and then unblocked you on Facebook, and now this about how his current lady was contacting you. Well yeh, she wanted to know why you were still fixated on a guy who clearly dumped you and was with her. You need counselling to stop obsessing over your ex boyfriend and his new partner. You blocked the woman on Facebook, there is nothing else for you to do. As far as Instagram, what do you care if she likes photos you are choosing to make public? Why would you even waste precious energy on this? You are so obviously not over it with this guy, he still has you completely obsessed and this is the reason why his woman is watching you, because you won't leave him alone.

Sorry but you are clearly not well and you should seek out a qualified psychiatrist and find out why you cannot let go of this man. He changed his number and so on because you would not leave him alone. The way he did it may not have been the best, but he had every right to choose whom he was with. You insisting on having closure is not reasonable. Nobody can GIVE you closure, that is something you give yourself by no longer pursuing this ridiculous obsession of yours.

EDIT ONE- This person is seriously psycho. She retaliated for me giving her an honest answer by answering one of my questions , telling me I need counselling and don't understand mature committed relationships and that I shouldn't even be on Yahoo Answers! ROFL.

- jhunt1958 - 04-28-2014 07:36 PM

Get back with him. Or better yet go to the cops. There are laws you know.