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i made out with a guy in the party, and things get awkward...? - Printable Version

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i made out with a guy in the party, and things get awkward...? - teenycorn572 - 04-28-2014 07:15 PM

couple days ago i went to a party and blazed for the first time. it hit me real hard and i was unconscious the whole time. While i was resting on the coach, a guy sat beside me and started making out with me. Since I was way too stoned to think it through, i just let him kiss me. (He was kinda cute, so i guess thats part of the reason) Later, i added him on Fb cuz i was wondering if it meant anything. He started chatting me and he said that he was just really drunk and that he couldn't remember anything. I am really confused because if he is not interested then why would he even talk to me on FB...?

PS.. i dont think he was that drunk because he kissed and paused to see my reaction then kissed again ......

Sorry if the grammar is not perfect, English is not my first language .

- duje - 04-28-2014 07:24 PM

He likes you because he added you on fb.He wants to comunicate to you.

- Rachel - 04-28-2014 07:34 PM

He just said he didn't remember anything, which is true. He never said he wasn't interested in you. Maybe he thinks that you just thought of it as a drunken hookup so he is afraid of being rejected by you. I'd say if he added you on facebook he either wanted to clear things up by telling you he isn't interested, or he actually is interested. You'll have to keep chatting with him to find out

- Aaaaaa - 04-28-2014 07:39 PM

Well, first of all do you like him ? If yes, ask him to hang out with you, get to know him better and DO NOT have sex with him on the first date, that'd be a mistake because he would use you as a sexual toy and dump you. If he kissed you, of course he does like you perhaps for your look ? Because apparently, you didn't know him before. Becareful, good luck.