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No Judgment Please? - Printable Version

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No Judgment Please? - Mightyearthquake698 - 04-28-2014 07:17 PM

I am only married to my husband because of a custody issue with my son (no comments on that one it for another The guy I dated knew that. But he finally said we couldn't go on unless I got a divorce. That's fine. However, he still wants to talk, go places "as friends", and he wants me to be involved in his "business." However, when I try to be friendly and initiate a conversation thru text or on FB, he is often so cruel and mean that I end up crying! He tells that I'm pushy, I bother him, and I'm crazy. So I unfriended him. Then he blasted me for unfriending him. So, I added him back. He asked me to a poetry slam. I said yes, and tried to speak with him about a poem I am reading there, and he told me I was harassing him while he was busy. What gives? Why is he so mean...and why does he even want me around ever? And, he is always teasing me about "wanting it (sex.)" Which I don't. And we're not having sex now. I know this is a jumbled up mess, but that's how I feel. Not that it matters, but I'm a professional, attractive, and well-respected in the community. He's in a band, no car, lives with his parents, no real job, and he's missing a I know, I know. Just help me figure out his motives please.

- Ganda - 04-28-2014 07:24 PM

I think his just messed up, I think he needs to figure himself out before he can be able to give any woman the attention she needs.
I say you stop being tooo available for him.
Please do not let him have his way with you he has to know that he has to respect you.

- Sue - 04-28-2014 07:29 PM

I wont judge you but is your husband a good man? If he is a good husband and father then you should leave the man you date. From your situations, he is emotionally unstable. He always accuse and throws words at you but he wants sex? What kind of man is he?

You should think better because I dont think the man you date is serious and pay attention to your husband, your kid needs a good family surrounding. Just an advice though, it is all up to you to make decision.

- john - 04-28-2014 07:33 PM

wow you are the most pathetic human being i have ever met in my entire life

- Indie - 04-28-2014 07:35 PM

Well,he has now got a hot mom of one son.that is you lol.Anyways,he is jealous and acting like a jerk.He should be understanding and supporting you in a tough,messed up situation like this.