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How do talk to a girl that I like but don't know? - Printable Version

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How do talk to a girl that I like but don't know? - lowcobweb567 - 04-28-2014 07:20 PM

Ok so there is this girl that I like, and I think she likes me. But we've never actually talked to each other. I'm going to DM her on twitter,how do I talk to her? what do I say?

- Curious - 04-28-2014 07:27 PM

Well depending on how old you are it just depends. Compliments always work and maybe they might not get you a date but she will definitely notice you.

- N.N.A - 04-28-2014 07:33 PM

Omg I think its soo cute for a guy to message first, whether the girl likes you back or not. I promise you, i am a 17 year old girl and i love it when guys initiate. It doesn't really matter what you say, just along as its not rude (sexual) or about another girl. But ill still give you a few ideas, maybe you can say ... "hey , how are you? ive seen you around and you look like a nice girl, i hope you dont mind me talking to you" (assuming she doesn't know you well and you dont know her)
Or just say "Hey , how are you?" if you know eachother, she'll carry on the convo Wink Good Luck Smile