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Is eBay a good website to order things from? - Printable Version

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Is eBay a good website to order things from? - Audrey - 04-28-2014 07:21 PM

I want to order a Clandestine Bat Heart Necklace But I don't know if eBay is a reliable place to order things because this is the first thing I've considered buying from eBay so if you have any information please let me know. :3

- magicbird - 04-28-2014 07:31 PM

I've purchased a lot of small items from ebay over the past 5 or 6 years--primarily small crystals. I've probably purchased over 100 of them. I've never had a problem with receiving the items I ordered. I've also ordered some jewelry. But here I had the same problem I've had ordering any jewelry online--the items aren't the same scale that I imagined them to be, so earrings that look good in the photo were either too large or too small in scale and didn't look good on me. If you've seen this necklace in real life and like it, then you'll do fine. But if you haven't tried it on or held it up to you already to see what it looks like, you might be disappointed.

- Farrah - 04-28-2014 07:32 PM

i am looking for website like ebay that i can order things from? is there any other website thats trusted?