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What are the interesting groups in FB that discuss/debate on the topics 'creationism' VS 'evolutionism'? - Printable Version

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What are the interesting groups in FB that discuss/debate on the topics 'creationism' VS 'evolutionism'? - Foolishboundary790 - 04-28-2014 07:24 PM

please link me to these groups...

thank you!

- General Basstad - 04-28-2014 07:26 PM

There is no debate. People either accept that evolution is fact or they don't. Plus these debates tend to be ridiculous anyway. You'll always find that the creationist is just weeding out the gaps or faults in the evolutionists argument rather than forming any argument of their own. That's because creationism is unsupported and simply incorrect!

The problem for creationists being that evolution really strikes the very core of their faith. It proves they're not specially created, have no more extrinsic value than a rat and that morality is an evolved phenomenon and therefore does not come from god. So they basically just stick their fingers in their ears.