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Life was better before Facebook? - Printable Version

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Life was better before Facebook? - 779 - 04-28-2014 07:25 PM

Yes No?

I find it sad that people act like they can't live without it. I mean they did at one point in time and another thing that bothers me Is people would rather have 1000 online friends than just a few "true real life" friends.

I find Facebook ruins true friendships a lot more than it makes them. I mean good has come from Facebook and connected people like never before, but don't tell me you can't connect in the real world like our species has for the past 10,000+ years.

Not bashing Facebook just asking your thoughts?
Also I find social media just adds extra stress and peer pressure to conform to this world and be like everyone else.
While some people claim Facebook has helped meet up with long lost friends, I actually like being able to move forward and meet new people. That is why I deleted my Facebook because I do not want people tracking me down that I cut communication from for good reasons.

- Kathleen Germany - 04-28-2014 07:30 PM

The world was so much nicer before all this facebook madness came and brainwashed every one
Friends just spying on each other all the time ....
this is not what it was meant to be for

- Udit - 04-28-2014 07:42 PM


- Lolitastic Vampire - 04-28-2014 07:51 PM

Facebook is pretty good for connecting people, but I do think it's caused some people to become estranged from one another and give bitter ex's the chance to try screwing over their ex's.
It's useful in my opinion in some cases, but it has made everyone a little more dependent on their phones. I mean, when I was trying to talk to some of my friends or relatives even, they seemed more interested in checking their friends' statuses than talk to me, and that's just a major let-down to just have been wasting your breath for a few minutes.

- Shivam - 04-28-2014 07:53 PM

u r totally correct but i feel is we get to be in contact with them forever like this,but people just misuse but still it helps much,i like it coz it connects me with friends & jokes site entertain but yea addiction & worst things too exist in it!but i feel world is easier with FBSmile

- 382 - 04-28-2014 07:59 PM

Mmm meh, still had no social life then and still don't.
But I do like the fact iI'm cconnected w my old friends ...but I hate how I feel when they post awesome pics of their life and im not doing much..the only downside is comparison.

- Ed - 04-28-2014 08:14 PM


- remoserjr107 - 04-28-2014 08:22 PM

Facebook has helped me to connect with long lost friends.....!!

- AWSSM - 04-28-2014 08:23 PM

I have no use for FB or Twitter. If they merged with You Tube would they become You Twit Face?