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what to do when youre the "other woman"? - Printable Version

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what to do when youre the "other woman"? - loxiaxx - 04-28-2014 07:25 PM

So basically, my very close friend kissed a guy she liked for MONTHS back in June who told her he wasnt "too serious" with his one-year gf. They supposedly broke up then got back together but he told her she "does what she wants too"... my friend fell for this(and him obviously) and one day, before he left to work abroad for the summer, they spent the whole day together, hanging out and she said they kissed quite a bit. He asked her for sex which she refused and the next day he was gone. She said she often thought about him but was curious what would happen between him and his gf(who lives abroad).

Nearly one year on, shes found out, and my friend is petrified that the gf found out because she wrote to her on facebook "when I come to visit you, I'll kill you". My friend, being the insanely people-skilled/anxious/guilt freak that she is, doesnt know how to play it..she knows she did wrong but shes been threatening to hurt herself over the guilt when she simply wants to make "ammends" with the gf.

What should she do?

- paramount - 04-28-2014 07:30 PM

Therte is nothing wrong in being the other woman. She must just forget about the threats and must even start enjoying sex next time and give that man a good time. And then all the threats will just disappear after all she also not married to him

- Another Crone - 04-28-2014 07:32 PM

Stay out of that incredibly stupid drama! Kissing a fellow a year ago who then went back to his old girlfriend on another continent is nothing to worry about at all! And the girlfriend who contacted her a year later on FB to threaten her? Either it's not true or she's crazy.

No sane woman cares if her boyfriend kissed another gal on another continent over a year ago on one date while they were separated unless that boyfriend has GREATLY exaggerated the circumstance. So weird.

In her shoes, I'd likely ignore it completely. And, if she's been writing to this guy for the last year? She needs to knock if off.