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If a cute stranger messages you on Facebook do you reply or ignore? - Printable Version

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If a cute stranger messages you on Facebook do you reply or ignore? - Thunderouscable046 - 04-28-2014 07:26 PM

They're not like forty years older than you and there's nothing sketchy about it. Some cute guy messaged me on Facebook and he goes to the same college as me and there's nothing that looks like it's fake or creepy. I mean, he is cute, and I think I will message him back.

But guy and girls, what do you think? If someone is cute but you have no idea who they are, do you reply or ignore them? Just kind of curious to see other people's reactions because one friend said to message him back and another thought it was crazy. But what if a cute guy or girl you don't know messages you? Are you creeped out or intrigued?

I don't know. Just curious. Treat this like a poll I guess.

- Brilliant-Munchkin - 04-28-2014 07:31 PM

I say: reply and see what happens. No need to be impolite just because "I don't know you".
That's how we makw friends, no?

But! At the first sign of BS you give him the Banhammer.

- mathwiz - 04-28-2014 07:35 PM

I don't see the harm in replying back as long as you just keep it on FB.

- Sally - 04-28-2014 07:40 PM

If you reply back, end up meeting up and then he says he noticed you around before he found your facebook...I would personally regret messaging him back. But you only live once, whats there to lose? On the other hand, he may message a bunch of random you really want to be in contact with someone like that? Is that what someone (that has it going on) does in his free time?