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What do I do to start my own company? - Printable Version

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What do I do to start my own company? - melodicbook886 - 04-28-2014 07:27 PM

Well I was thinking of starting my company out with a social network like Facebook and then moving on to bigger things, you know after the company acquires enough capital I'l buy other subsidiaries collect their ideas make them better. After the social network I'd go into apps and other things such as I that and then finally moving on to actual software and hardware. So how do you think I can do this? I have modeled after the greats: Gates, Zuckerberg, Nadella. I'm thirteen but I think this would really help me with my future ambitions while giving me a chance to connect more people with something I could make being better than Facebook if enough work is put in. So what do? How do I begin? I know I haven't even gone to high school yet but still, don't think I can't do this and please don't tell me to wait. I kinda want to take the Google guys place as youngest CEO. Thanks!

- The Shadow™ ® - 04-28-2014 07:28 PM

well , first you graduate and go to college or university and get a degree so you can actually make the product you want and have the financial and business know how to run a company , then you follow 3 basic steps to get as big as facebook

step 1 is create the product , that's easier said than done since it has to be something new that everyone wants and for software apps like facebook you give it away free and hope it gets popular enough that you can get advertisers to pay you to post their ads on peoples pages
step 2 is have a business plan and investors that will fund you for the first few years
step 3 is to make the company so big you can hire thousands of employees and make it worth so much you can go on the stock exchange as a public company , then you hope the investors buy stock and that stock price rises , if you're facebook you lose half your value in the first month after your sell stock for $46 a share day one and nobody wants it at that price , in a month it went down to $20 a share
of course you have to be able to create new products to keep making money or buy up smaller companies and you'll work 7 days a week 14 hours a day every day of the year like all company CEOs do so don't think being rich and running a company like that is easy and you'll be able to sit back and spend the money
a guy like mark zuckerberg works almost every day of the year and might take a week off twice a year for a " working vacation " and is on the phone or in the office from 6 am to 10 pm every day working , even at lunch he is working
even my boss who runs a much smaller company worth about 20 million works that much and when I was worked running a small detailing shop I was there from 7 am to 8 pm 5 days a week and for half days on saturday doing paperwork , being a boss is hard work so I think you should know that now