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Most profitable keywords for this article? - Printable Version

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Most profitable keywords for this article? - RicochetSteve - 04-28-2014 07:27 PM

What are the 5 best keywords to put into the metadata of an article dealing with p90x, working out, etc. Words that have a high search volume but not a lot of competition

- Richard - 04-28-2014 07:28 PM

It doesn't work that way. Go to forums, competitor blogs and other communities and look for what people are using as they find solutions related to p90x. Use those keywords and expand them using tools like Ubersuggest and Google keyword planner. Check for variations using LSIkeywords site. Evaluate competition using the free Traffic Travis tool. Check for long term trends using Google Trends and Google insights. Then finally compare with what the Google analytics/webmaster tools have suggested. As you can see, you can't ask other people as you will be the one to sustain the process to the very end. You will be the one to know your goals and target audience which determine your final keywords. Want to know more? Download my free ebook at Del Asks dot com.