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PS Vita, Tablet or Netbook? - Printable Version

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PS Vita, Tablet or Netbook? - Cazaimex - 04-28-2014 07:30 PM

I'm looking at getting a portable device for entertainment when I'm at my flat where there's no internet connection. Looking at either getting a Vita, a tablet or a netbook. Not sure if I should get a tablet as the only thing you can do on that while offline is play casual games. The Vita has proper games you can play, while you can play older, but still decent games/emulator games on the netbook as well as hook up an external hard drive to it and listen to music/watch movies.
What do you think?

- Matthew - 04-28-2014 07:37 PM

If i were you i would buy a PSVITA because if you want to play a game you buy it and play it with no internet connection and you could take it with you too. Buy yourself a cover and you could take it where you want and it is small (not big as the tablet) so you could put it in a pocket.

- Ferdinand - 04-28-2014 07:43 PM

PSVita has good entertainment features plus great games like Persona 4 or jak and daxter collection u can play offline.

No emulators though unless u jailbreak the Vita and risk bricking the system.

- TheYES!Movement - 04-28-2014 07:50 PM

PS Vita