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How to start a Tumblr RP? - Printable Version

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How to start a Tumblr RP? - jedhead800x - 04-28-2014 07:36 PM

okay well I'm used to other platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. I'd like to start using tumblr, I've had a look at some blogs but they're all premade people where it appears you need to apply to be them? I'm not sure if when I make my character which is already an existing one on TV how I can gain followers? Do I follow these accounts and what accounts do I search to follow? After this how can I ask if anyone wants to Rp.. usually on Facebook you just have to post as a status but this is so different!:/ tips anyone?Smile

- kar3b3ar93 - 04-28-2014 07:37 PM

You're probably looking at RP blogs in "rings", which are groups of RPers that are joined together by a plot and a main blog that typically offers events and have rules etc. These exist in both OC and canon rp circles, but they're not necessary to join. Lots of us are indie/independent RPers, which means we interact with anyone we want to, etc. If you made a character from a TV show, book, comic, movie, manga, anime, etc, there are really no written rules to follow. You can follow anyone you want to (I recommend searching #fandomname rp to find other RPers to start with) and interact either via askbox or posts on your dashboard.

When you follow someone, they may or may not make a greeting post for you, which typically consists of "yoururlhere started following you!" or some variant, followed with a greeting from the character. They'll usually tag your url (follow your tag) in it as well. If they don't, this doesn't mean you can't RP with them. Just reply to their open posts! A lot of RPers will make IC posts and leave them open for anyone to reply to. If they don't do this, you can always send an ask as well.

Don't be afraid to talk to people, and some basics are uh

Most people, when speaking OOC will use ((these to show that it's the admin/mun speaking, not the character)) and then tag it as #ooc or #out of cookies etc, etc.
Trim your posts, for the love of all that is good and holy.
Reaction images are not necessary, nor are gifs, but they make life fun sometimes.
Have fun!

If you need more help, feel free to ask (my personal tumblr is overlyanalyticalidiot, and I run several RP blogs, so I've got some experience) o/

Hope I helped a little!


Here's a link that might be helpful:
There are lots of resources on tumblr to give you a hand if you know where to look o/