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Why does my 'crush (guy)' log off fb as soon as i'm on it? - Printable Version

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Why does my 'crush (guy)' log off fb as soon as i'm on it? - Sweet - 04-28-2014 07:36 PM

we used to talk quite a lot over fb a couple a weeks ago (during half term he always started the convos.) and at college beofore half term. he always gave me signs that he liked me when we were at college.
but when we returned to school he wasn't the same as before. he talked less to me etc.. like may be once or twice.
last week he quit college. i'm not going to see him any more because we never actually go to the point hanging around together. coz i hadn't talked to him for a long time i decided to start a convo. on fb. the other (online chat). i told him that it has been a long time that we talked, and how he was, he answered that he was ok but he had to go, he apologised and said that we would talk soon.

since then he hasn;t been on fb until today. when i logged onto fb he was offline but then swithced to online maybe 5 -10 minutes later he proper logged off fb. then an hour or two later when i logged back on he was on it again. now as usual he logged back off from fb after 5- 15 minutes.

but why is he actually doing this?? is he shy to talk to me and trying to avoid me or is it completely the opposite.

thank you and sorry for the length.

- Paparoster - 04-28-2014 07:42 PM

well i guess he dosent like you.... but ill tell you what you would like,"Alex's Wild Adventure's Trailer" by Mrpaparoster on youtube. its the trailer for and upcoming web show thats going to be EPIC!

- Dane Battle - 04-28-2014 07:51 PM

this is a sign that you should just ignore him

- Mizz.Williams - 04-28-2014 07:51 PM

Honestly, I had the same problem with a guy I used to date. If he's avoiding you and not making an effort, then drop him. No boy is worth a chase like that, and I can tell you, trying to contact him when he seems to be purposely avoiding you is annoying, and more stressful than it needs to be.

- Carly - 04-28-2014 07:59 PM

Either he doesn't want to talk to you or it's just a coincidence.

- Katy Workman - 04-28-2014 08:03 PM

HI SWEET,,honey,wen i dont want to talk to certain people i do the same thing,i would just leave him a message asking why,his treating you like that,mayb he was never really a friend,PEACE

- chris s - 04-28-2014 08:09 PM

He just cant be bothered speaking to you. He definitely isn't into you and that's it. I would just move on and not bother starting a convo with him as he doesn't want to talk to you! And you will look the fool at the end of the day. Just don't waste your time and move on.

- David R - 04-28-2014 08:10 PM

This may not be the case, but... Facebook is known to cache the "Online Friends". I've experienced this myself, I would log into Facebook (FB???) and open a chat /w a friend, but would suddenly appear offline when I messaged him or even opened it. It's common error, so don't expect the worst.

Does he have a phone? You could always text him, can't really avoid though.

But, if he actually is logging off, you may want to think about talking to him and breaking up.

You could always try, that Social Network doesn't have chat errors!