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My internet explorer has stopped working what do I do to fix it? - Printable Version

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My internet explorer has stopped working what do I do to fix it? - ssparkle63 - 04-28-2014 07:37 PM

I tried to look it up on the web, but am afraid I might do something bad have anybody have an easy way -----
I think I might have downloaded explore 11 is that ok???


- Daniel - 04-28-2014 07:39 PM

You need to be more specific please. What happened when it stopped working? Does it give you an error code? Does it work for a short period of time then cut out? The best thing you can do is to stop using Internet Explorer. It may quite possibly be the worst internet browser available. IE has a habit of failing or not working prior to failing. It is also usually really slow.

I would recommend this internet browser:

- Hamza - 04-28-2014 07:48 PM

You can reinstall internet explore to fix the issue.
Secondly follow these steps
Close any Internet Explorer windows
· Click Start
· Click Control Panel
· Open Internet Options (you may have to switch from category view to icons to find this)
· Click the Advanced tab
· Click Reset…
· Click Reset
· Click Close
· Click OK
· Open Internet Explorer


- Jack Mittal - 04-28-2014 07:49 PM

Just download and install any other browser. Use Firefox instead.

- Shirley - 04-28-2014 07:52 PM

While I would suggest a new browser such as Firefox or Chrome due to them being faster, safer, more stable, more features, more support and their ability to block advertisements on anything web related, I understand you do not want to switch.

Therefore, what you can do is clear the browser cache, history, etc... Also, make sure you aren't running too many other programs so that your CPU, Ram, and disk usage aren't being taken up. Lastly, if that doesn't fix the problem, just re-install it by downloading it off Microsoft's website.