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How can i help my parents allow me to get a youtube? - Printable Version

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How can i help my parents allow me to get a youtube? - Sakra - 04-28-2014 07:43 PM

So i am 15 years old and i have a youtube. My parents do not know about it though. I am a booktuber (someone who discusses books on youtube) and its quite a growing community. I have been doing so for about 2-3 months and have really been welcomed and supported by others.

I have social anxiety and havent really hung out with a friend in about six years or so. This is my first year doing online schooling (i am a sophomore in highschool) so i really don't get much social interaction. By doing booktube thus far i have felt more open and better about being social.

The issue is that my father is strict about social media sites, he believes that they will turn me into a bad child. Now, my parents are not strict in any aspect of the music, Tv, or movies i watch but social sites is the line for my father. I had a facebook with their permission in the 6th grade and someone called me a name and i had to close my page, since then it has been a rule for no SM.

I asked my mom before i made a youtube if i could make one (shes more okay with that stuff) and she said she'd think about it. That was that. I made one so if it went okay i could then bring it up again. I did last night and just asked her if it would be okay if i could have a youtube and she said we could discuss it today.

I feel bad about doing so without letting them know but its helping me a bit. When we talk today about this, what should i say to her so she can see it through this perspective?

Thank you.

- Carly - 04-28-2014 07:52 PM

Explain to your parents the same you just did to us. If you tell them to doing these videos really helps you open up more, they will most likely understand.

- AlphaGuru - 04-28-2014 08:00 PM

told them to monitor the web history so that they came to know what u r doing!! so show some videos that she is interested earth born??? or how to cook some thing,,,or according to her interest,any video that would surprise her!!

- Cheetz - 04-28-2014 08:09 PM

Well, tell them that it's helping you in many ways. That you're feeling more open, just as you said yourself and that this even might be your or one of your future jobs. I mean, if you get more noticed in the future and monitize your youtube videos, not only you can entertain people, but you will get a nice income from doing a thing you like. Ask your dad how exactly could this turn you into a bad child and discuss that. Try telling them about all of the good aspects of this.

*Edit* Well, how did it go?