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Are those horrible reasons to dump a guy? - Printable Version

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Are those horrible reasons to dump a guy? - Drivenbydesire - 04-28-2014 07:45 PM

I started dating a nice guy I met on twitter. We often interacted for years and he seemed cool. We’ve been dating for 3 weeks. I’m having a lot of second doubts for the following reasons:
1- He’s 37, a recovering addict who overshares every detail about his personal life on Facebook ( just found that out when I added him; including how much he likes me and what his shrink tells him) and keeps talking about surviving his dad’s suicide. I felt bad for him but when I asked him about it, he told me his dad died when he was 8 months old! It sounds like he’s exploiting a tragedy.
2- His financial situation is a mess. He works at a call center but dreams of becoming a tv host. He lives with 2 roommates cause he can’t afford to live on his own and is working to pay off his debts of over 40,000$. Since I make more money ( I’m a lawyer), I end up paying for our dates. At first he objected but now he doesn’t.
3- He told me he loved me and we were soul mates after 2 weeks of dating and he wanted to introduce me to him mom. Plus he’s always talking about depressing stuff.
4- Don’t mean to sound shallow, but he’s bald, has one leg that’s shorter than the other and has a small penis, which turns me off.
5- I’m embarrassed to introduce him to my friends especially since I usually date good looking guys who have a good job. I wanted to give him a chance because he seemed nice but I feel like I’m selling myself short.
I'm 25 and I want better. Is it mean if I dump him for those reasons?

- anonymous - 04-28-2014 07:50 PM

Nah, they're pretty good, but you can do better

- jonny - 04-28-2014 07:59 PM

No Iif you are not happy for whatever reason it is the best thing to do. You should dump him now. I wouldn't tell him those reasons though.