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would a guy chat to me on fb if he wasnt interested? - Printable Version

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would a guy chat to me on fb if he wasnt interested? - Profoundcrayon797 - 04-28-2014 07:48 PM

Long story but here goes.... was out to a gig on saturday where this guy was lurking by me and talked to me a few times i didnt think he was interested as he was really good looking...

I didnt find out he was till my friends noticed it seemed he liked me. Anyway he hadnt given me his name so i got it off one of his mates and i was unsure to add him on fb but took the plunge and sent him a message saying it was a bit random but u were talking to me on sat and was nice talking to u can i add u on here.

He sent me a friends request on fb and sent message back saying how he thanked me for seeking him out and that he remembered me and appologised for his drunken antics.

We exchanged a couple of messages.

Anyway i saw he was online yesterday and started talking to him and we talked for nearly an hour and hf wouldve been longer but he said his mom wanted the comp. He was asking me questions about me work where i live that sort of thing sounded interested in me and finished off saying it was nice chatting and speak soon.

- Ok... - 04-28-2014 07:54 PM

Yes, a guy would chat you up on fb if he was NOT interested. Guys do this all the time. It is just a fun way to pass time/ feed their egos/ prevent boredom/ etc. The only way to know if a guy is interested in you, is if HE seeks you out. If HE PURSUES you. Not the other way around. I know you are going to be like all the girls and ignore this, but it is the ABSOLUTE truth whether you like it or not. Because anything else means nothing; a guy would be just taking what you are "offering". And this guy will do that too, since you contacted HIM, and not the other way around. Any guy will do this, esp if there is a chance to "get some nookie". The guy that is not so interested in the nookie and truly interested in YOU, will PURSUE you. He will make it KNOWN. And not like a creeper, either. Good luck.