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Girls- why hasn't she contacted me? Detailed answer please.? - Printable Version

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Girls- why hasn't she contacted me? Detailed answer please.? - Fearlesshoney956 - 04-28-2014 07:56 PM

My ex gf and I dated for 2 years but left me for her current bf. We have been broken up for a year, have not seen each other in a year and have not spoken in 9 months. She had blocked my Facebook multiple times since the break up. In July she threatened me with a restraining order eventhough she initiated contact with me for two straight days. That was the last time we spoke.
3 months later, she unblocks my Facebook randomly and then reblocked me 2 weeks later for no reason. 3 months after that, a mutual friend of mine and the ex, went out to dinner with the ex and the ex's bf. My ex asked the mutual friend about me and how I was doing infront of her bf. The mutual friend said my ex's questions about me made my ex's bf uncomfortable. One month later my ex refriended my best friend on Facebook . They were friends when we were together but all of my friends ditched her after the break up. THEN a month later, my ex randomly unblocked me on Facebook again. It's been a month and she has not contacted me. Why has she unblocked me but not try and contact me?

**i notice she unblocks me because she keeps popping up on mutual friends posts. If she's curious, then why?

- Angel860 - 04-28-2014 08:02 PM

Shes confused. But best thing would be move on and forget about her and her games.

- Megan Zane - 04-28-2014 08:10 PM

You should ask her that. It sounds like she still thinks about you. But doesn't know of you do too so doesn't say anything. I could be wrong though. Talk to her Smile maybe she wants to be your friend or maybe she's trying to discreetly check up on you because she still cares.

- april sunshine - 04-28-2014 08:14 PM

She does not LOVE YOU ANYMORE. Leave her alone. Find somebody else. Dont wait for her she willl never come back. She loves somebody else. She is happy. You gonna end in prison dont question about fb Fb is nothing real. IOpen your eyes and take the reality check.