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My 10 year old sister caught me masturbating !!!!? - Printable Version

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My 10 year old sister caught me masturbating !!!!? - Chole - 04-28-2014 07:56 PM

Ok so there I was lying on my bed ! While watching porn on my lap top but ass naked , light off when she completely just barged into my room. I was 100% sure I locked my door , so I wasn't worrying about anyone just walking in on me, I was completely focused on my lap top , I didn't even notice she walked in! & when I did notice , she asked me a question about the tv remote. I feel violated in every way , I just don't understand... Im not sure if she know what I was doing , Im not even sure she seen me naked , but the light off my computer was bright ,and that could have been my breast showing , but I don't know ! What should I Ive been in my room embarrassed for about 2 hours. I don't even wanna face her , What in the hell should I do ?

- Hunter - 04-28-2014 08:01 PM

If she wasn't surprised, she most likely didn't see you.

Next time...maybe ask her to knock

- curvedbelieve187 - 04-28-2014 08:08 PM

Don't make to big of a deal about it first off, your most likely correct in the fact she didn't even see you, or 2nd, had she, she didn't understand it.
Simply tell her you'd like to have a private big girl talk with her. Go to your room, shut the door to get her focused and undivided attention. Tell her that you do enjoy her company, and you like her to spend time with you in your room, but there are some ground rules you need to establish.
1. Before she comes into your room, ALWAYS knock 1st and wait for permission to enter.
2. Never enter your room when you're not home.
3. Respect your privacy, that not always will it be cool for her to come in, hang out, etc.

reassure her that nothing is wrong, it's just as people get older that wish for independence , privacy, and have a right to their wishes to be respected. Just as you wouldn't just go into her room, without knocking, or taking something without her permission first. That this respect of privacy goes both ways.

- Smps - 04-28-2014 08:10 PM

Just behave normal in front of her.

- ReturrtedRedneck - 04-28-2014 08:15 PM

You should have asked her for some help.