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Why Girls Are Soo Complicated to understand? - Printable Version

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Why Girls Are Soo Complicated to understand? - niceboy688 - 04-28-2014 08:04 PM

There is that girl she like me and I talk to her in a normal way and she is like giving me advices i never asked for but still i admire her and thank her for her help and she kinda find me intelligent in studies and always gives me compliment and always try to talk to me, she always use to ask me about my family,etc and i like her too from like 3 years, she sometimes try to like touch me but i tried my best that she can't as i become nervous but don't have guts to tell her and then suddenly she stop talking to me starts ignoring me and i dont know why ? then again stated talking me and then again ignore me.I noticed that she check me out when i am not looking at her and when i do she turns around moreover when i come online (over social networking) she goes offline and when i go offline she goes online. We also have a chat over fb and i tried to compliment her that she is pretty, then she was like haha you are funny and also wrote 'oh my god Smile' and after that bam!! no more talking. I try to talk to her and she just 'see' my messages on fb and never reply. What should i do? Why girls are so complicated?

PS : She is very aggressive and firm girl. If she get into a debate she will crush you until you are defeated and send to hell. lol i know love is crazy.

- tallroad663 - 04-28-2014 08:11 PM

Girls are not complicated as long you take this into your heart: God created women to give us men pleasures and to take care of the kids

- Amit - 04-28-2014 08:18 PM

No one on the earth can help you with that question. sorry but it's true. So will i will suggest you that stop thinking why girls are like this. Focus on what you want to do and just finish that job up to the end. good luck...

But still i agree with your point.... :-P