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Deleted off someone due to Crazy Reasons? Did I do the right thing? - Printable Version

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Deleted off someone due to Crazy Reasons? Did I do the right thing? - cocomintypaste - 04-28-2014 08:09 PM

This guy I never met who I met from a gaming site...

We started of being cool friends, I never liked him or anything

he was sweet always liking photos on Facebook, telling me I looked pretty blah blah,

he shares his music with everyone - mentions me to like it ... i like it he ends up being satisfied.

Moreover he messages me he's lonely, and he's suicidal, on his Facebook.

Saying he will deactivate his Facebook soon --- he never did....

Part of me feels sorry for him, then i tell my friends about him they say delete him.

I ignore my friends, I post a few status most are funny, movie quotes etch...

his comments are rude, he called me a b-tch....

I deleted it... then messaged him explained what was his deal... he said that i sound like a wife...

LOL. then i told him were not friends anymore? did i do a good thing?

- texture686 - 04-28-2014 08:13 PM

Yes, yes you did. Sounds like he has Nice Guy ™ syndrome - "if she thinks I'm nice, she should have sex with me". You're better off without this drama.