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How do i stop stalking him? - Printable Version

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How do i stop stalking him? - Bing! - 04-28-2014 08:14 PM

I need to stop cyber stalking this guy i had a thing with a few months ago. It didn't work out between us and clearly i'm the one suffering now because i liked him a lot but he was a jerk. Now the trouble is even though i have deactivated my Facebook and i have blocked him on instagram, i still find myself checking his pages constantly even though it has been almost 3 months since we broke up. It's very easy to stalk him since his accounts are public. I don't know how to stop this. i know i gain absolutely nothing out of it, i only put myself in a bad mood and i know we will never be together again, so what should i do? Any tips to help me stop this behaviour? Please no silly answers, i'm hurting and i need some good advice! And no i cannot delete my instagram account because it's my only way of keeping in contact with some friends, and no i can't stop using the internet because i need it for my studies. Any other suggestions are welcome!

- Topsy - 04-28-2014 08:18 PM

Seek professional help. This is mad.

- loveyoureyes - 04-28-2014 08:25 PM

Its normal u r so attached to him just think carefully that tge things didnt work out and he is just waste of ur time and find someone better.

- SemperFi3608 - 04-28-2014 08:27 PM

Ask yourself what draws you to him. You know that he's a jerk which is a good thing because you recognize that he wasn't and isn't good for you. I'm not going to assume you feel this way but sometimes when a girl has been dating a guy whether it's for a short or long amount of time that she really likes, it's hard to let it go when it comes to an end. Mostly because you fell for him, and although he ended up being a jerk--you weren't prepared for it to end so quickly. Therefore, you're not over him and that's okay. It's quite natural honestly. The problem is, you're letting him control you without him even trying. When you look him up, it brings back memories of what was and what could have been, which immediately brings you down. Part of the reason could even be you're wondering if he's talking to any other girls and you may be asking yourself "What do they have that I don't?" Don't do that. If you find yourself wanting to search him, stop and think how it's going to make you feel and how ridiculous it really is. I don't mean that in a mean way but sometimes it helps to laugh at your own actions to get past something. He sounds like a complete waste of your time and you owe it to yourself to smile again and move on. A guy like that will never deserve you anyway.