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SEO, SMO & PPC - Which is best for website Promotion !!? - Printable Version

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SEO, SMO & PPC - Which is best for website Promotion !!? - Visualcap374 - 04-28-2014 08:18 PM

Which is best for website Promotion !!

- Madi S - 04-28-2014 08:24 PM

I used SEO techniques this is the best way to website promotion.

- Sam - 04-28-2014 08:32 PM


SEO is the best long term strategy. It's difficult, especially to keep your site on the front page month after month but once you have done alot of upfront work it keeps giving even after you stop doing any more.

PPC can be expensive and as soon as you stop spending, the traffic dries up. You can lose your shirt on this if you don't know what you're doing.

Good luck!

- Rich - 04-28-2014 08:35 PM

If you are in it for the long term then SEO has got to be your best bet. It's not difficult but it does take some hard work and planning.

PPC is the best way to get quick results. Yes it costs but if you work you campaigns well you still make a nice profit. It needs constant attention to keep on the right side of the profit line.

We always suggest a combined approach use ppc to get business and fint the most productive keywords. Then use SEO to get free traffic on these keywords.

- Ed - 04-28-2014 08:41 PM

As mentioned SEO is better for long-term results. It takes a lot of planning and work. If you have never done SEO before you need to understand exactly what you need to do. There are a lot of steps to achieve top SEO placement on the search engines and you will competing against many people who know what they are doing. So you need to first get educated on all the needed steps. The best training program I have found to obtain top search engine is Google Conquest.
As also mentioned PPC can be expensive and you can lose your shirt if not done correctly. You have to research the niche, build a keyword list, create ad groups, split test everything. This process can also take time and be costly. There is a program called PPC Bully that allows you to spy on your established competition that has already gone through these steps and has discovered what keywords and landing pages have proven to be more effective. Then you just use their proven keywords and create a similar landing page. This will save you a lot of time and money. You should be able to create a profitable campaign even if you have never done PPC before.
I strongly urge to first get educated on SEO and SEM before doing anything. You will waste a lot of time and be very disappointed with the results if you don’t.

- lilianlemaire - 04-28-2014 08:47 PM

The answer to that question depends on your specific business and your budget.
PPC is a quick (short term) solution to a long term problem of popularity. This solution can be suitable to your business or not, depending on your budget.

Example: Why pay usd 10 for 100 visitors if only one is going to purchase a product on which you make less than usd 10 profit?

Optimizing your website for more traffic from search engines might be a better answer to your problem. (long term solution to a long term problem).

- Priyanhsu - 04-28-2014 08:52 PM

seo-> search engine optimization
smo-. social media optimization
ppc -> pay per click
right now smo is the best