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Set up Netgear WGR614v9? - Printable Version

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Set up Netgear WGR614v9? - roundwool484 - 04-28-2014 08:22 PM

I have an old Netgear router that was just lying around and I want to set it up as a range extender. I have a VM Super Hub downstairs and my laptop is connected to that via WiFi although nothing else in my room gets a reliable signal, my OUYA is connected to my laptop via Ethernet and sharing my laptop's WiFi connection in order to connect to the internet. My Xbox 360 doesn't have WiFi because it is an older model and my 3DS also doesn't get a reliable connection from my room. I want to connect this router to my laptop via Ethernet and share my laptop's connection with it, as I did with my OUYA, and then use it as a WiFi access point for everything else in my room, this way I can have everything connected without the hassle of swapping Ethernet cables around. What I was planning to do was connect the router to the internet through my laptop's Ethernet port, and then connect everything else wirelessly to the router, the problem I am having is that the router isn't able to access the internet, I have sharing set up correctly so anything connected to my laptop through Ethernet can access the internet through the laptop's WiFi, it was working fine for connecting the OUYA or the Xbox, the router however doesn't want to connect. I have set up the WiFi network too and connected my devices to the router, so as far as connecting to the router goes everything is rosy, the little "i" on the front of the router is orange though instead of green and none of my devices can connect to the internet, I'm not sure if I have set up the router incorrectly or what, DHCP is disabled, it has a dynamic IP and the DNS is set to automatic, network diagnostics on my Ethernet adapter on my laptop show that the connection doesn't have "a valid IP configuration", I'm going to continue working on it and will let you know if I sort it myself, any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Leith Wink

- IAmTechMike - 04-28-2014 08:25 PM

Hello Leith, Unfortunately without a pro software Like Connectify Pro sharing a connection the way you specified can be a touch difficult. I suggest you get a long- Ish! Ethernet connect it to the Super hub, preferably the first one or 4th one, and on the Netgear Use only the 1st port and that way some how i dont know i use it myself with an old netgear ive done the same, i connected the Ethernet to the first port on the router and what as im aware happens its used as a switch one feed goes in. and many feeds out. The VM Super Hub wont even realise that the other router is there, all you shall see is the devices you connect under the LAN you have all settings correct. So try that and it should work.