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Why should someone use Tor Browser? - Printable Version

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Why should someone use Tor Browser? - Boriqua - 04-28-2014 08:22 PM

Tor Browser has became a hot topic lately, especially with it's compromise with "Freedom Hosting and Javasript". However, I just don't get it. I've used it and, from my experience, all the Tor Browser does is help provide anonymity to pedophiles, rapists, murderers, criminals, and drug organizations. There are some innocent websites that help breach out to countries with strict internet rules, and I salute the Tor Browser for that... Regardless, it seems to be just another way for criminals to expand. Any other website that wasn't connected to pedophilia, drugs, illegal arms, and the such is usually a sight akin to 4chan, where people post random stuff, spread hate, and/or cry and moan over how corrupt Democracy and Government, especially the USA's, is. Should I be so afraid and paranoid of my government potentially spying in on me 24/7 that I must use Tor Browser? That's the end of my rant, now back to the main question. Why should someone use Tor Browser? Especially if they have nothing to fear?

- livelyrecess140 - 04-28-2014 08:28 PM

to experiment with like you have done