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My CPU usage isconstantly jumping up and down.? - Printable Version

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My CPU usage isconstantly jumping up and down.? - hissingnumber220 - 04-28-2014 08:22 PM

I just got a new motherboard, and since then I've had nothing but problems with my cpu usage, its okay for 1-2 minutes but then it jumps up to 80-95 for no apparent reason.
My rig:
GeForce GTX 650 Ti
Intel® Core™ 2 duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz
4.00 GB RAM (3.94 GB usable)
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate.
Not please don't pull the "your pc is slow", I think my PC should be able to run google chrome without going to 100 cpu usage. I used to be able to play most games on my pc without any problem, now i cant use skype.
Please help me out here, I'm dying Sad
I've brought the PC to people to fix it, every friggin' ït specialist" just reinstalls the windows and says it works, well it doesn't, I don't call a 100% cpu usage with only skype and 1-2 programs in the background a working pc.
"Reinstall your windows"
-Its been reinstalled 3 times in close to a single week.
"Have you tried switching it on and off again"
"Use task manager and see what program is using the most % cpu usage"
-I only have 3 programs installed currently. Even with skype off (which is using the most cpu power) the pc goes to hell.
"Run it in safe mode"
- Tried it, same shit, different packaging.
My PC does not in any way run good with 100% cpu, it can bearly run a game from 10 years ago, while as previously said I used to be able to play pretty much anything without issues.

- Ed G - 04-28-2014 08:27 PM

Well first of all I've had computers that run good but where always using a lot of CPU.So there probably is nothing wrong with yours.But I will tell you Skype is the worse program you can have on a computer.When ever someone brings a computer to me that runs slow the first thing I do is remove it.You have a old processor,which in it's day ran good but the older ones had to work harder.If your computer runs good what does it matter if it's using 100% of your CPU.As far as I can tell you are pulling your hair out for no reason.You could also look at the windows error logs and see it there is a problem with something running on your computer.If you have reinstalled windows 3 times in a week I would say there is a chance you could fix you issue with driver updates but you are never going to get your processor to run like a i5